Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Share The Wealth: the Best Political Blogging

The linked compendium of election year hi-jinx brilliantly crafted by BlogMaster Jon Swift is a gold mine in a sea of crackpipes and shit crocks. Conspiracy scavenger hunts and artless subterfuge are gifts of the internet gods and while the event horizon points to a temporary cessation of this magical journalism, I wouldn't worry yourself. Regardless of election results my fellow mischief makers and I will spin the outcome to our advantage and next Tuesday we'll find an America either preparing for a coronation or in the throes of martial law. So stay tuned.

Digg my article


Anonymous said...

one word: satire

Anonymous said...

What to expect when martial law is declared Yikes!

Anonymous said...

The only trustworthy voice on the internet is the Drudge Report.


the running mule

the running mule