Monday, November 21, 2005


There have long been whispers in the halls here of a new web site devoted to the steamy back side of our young friend Mark the Cobra Snake. But sometimes the boys get ahead of themselves with the talking, and in concert with a stunning array of mixed powders and tinctures they falter. So forgive them if they are a bit slow out of the gate on this for they seemed to have lost abit of focus as of late. Call them and ask, "Hey what gives?" That is what I am screamin'!


Anonymous said...

If we could get Duffy out of bed on time this would be done.

Anonymous said...

If anyone is to blame for this it is the cameraman, Alex champion. But it might be easier to simply blame it on Bryce, like everything.

Anonymous said...

this website amuses the shit out of me. What are you, the interns at vice or something? Does Gavin know about this?

Anonymous said...

just waiting on a password from a uruguayan. look what outsourcing has done. but fear not; we'll be ruining lives in no time

that's a good look for the cobra snake, btw

Anonymous said...

I went out looking for him last night with a friend because of this, I'm gunna make his ass bleed.... and that's the martin promise


the running mule

the running mule