Friday, November 21, 2008

God Damn I Love the 80's

Two of most compelling things about the 80's were the utterly monstrous, mind-roasting antics of OC and Stiggs via National Lampoon and the fist fighting to the oldies era of 80's Hardcore music. Both of these collectibles are hard to find in today's bubble gum media milieu, when true bohemia gets snapped up like an unguarded Beard Papa. But luckily ladies and gentleman you have me to rekindle. Through the hyper-dimensional connections of this blog, I know Randall Schwab of the old Lampoon gang. El Schwab, more often that I should admit, sends me perversions such as this remembrance over the internet. Why? Well OC and Stiggs so terrorized the Schwab family that like some fucked up Stockholm syndrome Patty Hearst type he keeps playing right along with them, to my undying amusement and to your good fortune.

The second goodie in this afternoon's cultural grab bag is the band 80s HARDCORE who are currently making the rounds in tiny clubs filled with topless girls in Doc Martens mysteriously undiscovered by the hipsterati. They're the worlds greatest hardcore cover band. You may be thinking, fuck a cover band. But if you remember my enthusiasm for the Sex Pistols posted last month, you should know I never miss a good show even if the band is lipsynching. I don't think 80's Hardcore lypsynchs cuz they fuck of lyrics constantly but no one is sure cuz the singer (Gavin McInnes) performs with a bag over his head. Anyhow, because my dedication runs deep I'm willing to risk a visit from the FBI and post their set list here. Music licensing and chinese democracy be damned!

80s HC SET LIST 11-21-08

Cro Mags “Hard Times”
D.R.I. “Rather be Sleeping”
Minor Threat “Straight Edge”
Black Flag “Wasted”
Angry Samoans “Lights Out”
Circle Jerks “Coup D’Etat”
Fear “Livin in the City”
Descendents “I’m not a Loser”
Agnostic Front “Victim in Pain”
Black Flag “Six Pack”
Iron Cross “Crucified”
Suicidal Tendencies “Institutionalized”
Bad Brains “Right Brigade”

Check them out tonight at Cakeshop ~ 153 Ludlow in Manhattan.
FREE. And print out the OC and Stiggs page. Chicks dig em.



Anonymous said...

When you say I kept playing along, you're probably referring to occasions like the time I puked up a fistful of mushrooms about 10 minutes into the digestive process, and you Stiggs convinced me that it would be perfectly reasonable and prudent for me to re-harvest them from my vomit. Man, those were good times.

Anonymous said...

Taking a youth oriented and violent tinged genre for your bands ideal is one thing but to have it aped by an old pacifist like Gavin is just trite

dont tread on our shit Pops


the running mule

the running mule