On the sunny side, don't forget it's America's gun dealing ingenuity that ensures the criminal drug enterprises of Mexico can operate without government interference and who, in turn, deliver the cocaine that fuels another recession proof American industry, the Titty Bar. I'm not sure this is the kind of free trade Samuel Colt had in mind, nevertheless, BUY AMERICAN! At the very least our strippers economic survival is depending on it, not to mention the plastic surgeons of California and Texas. I wonder if breast implants are made in the USA?
Agent Mule's Tip of the Day: Go out and kill an animal before you ever consider carrying a gun in public. The ruthless way a bullet rips through the flesh of a rabbit or a deer or dog or a squirrel is illuminating. That's a money back guarantee.
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Gun Business Blazing
Guns IS America.
It's funny that as a huge liberal pussy I'm really close to a couple of special forces members. They are "training" me in close combat/urban survival techniques.
It's fun and I love all of it.
More than ever I have nothing but respect for guns. I finally get it now. At the very least, everybody should fire a a handgun to more fully shape their judgment.
It's the power of the gun/God/penis connection in your hands that make you suddenly the bravest Indian in the tribe.
Guns don't kill people, rock records kill people
The video really puts into focus Napolitano's report warning of a rising threat from right-wing extremists and white supremacists, driven by a dismal economy and the election of the black president. You know, the one they were saying she should be fired for.
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